Sunday, June 20, 2010

No Regret

It’s about no regret,” Carolina emphasized “no regret; just about every day I am at the bedside of someone who is at death’s door and those with no regret are the most peaceful.” I’ve heard that line about living a life with no regret. It’s usually sandwich in a conversation on wither a certain decision NOT made will lead to regret.
But Carolina’s status as a Geriatrics Social Worker, which puts her in daily contact with people surveying their life at end of their life, gave weight to her words. I listened, I mean I really listened. No regret. For me, regret comes in the form of “I wished I would have.” I’m naturally overcautious and guarded about certain things, a side that is at odds with my free spirit outlook. No regret sounds incredibly intoxicating. I felt my cautious side let out of sigh envy as I intentionally flirted outside his reach.